Simply Ceroc

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After 17 years, the Simply Ceroc Weekend has come to an end and its time for a change.

Ceroc NZ will be running a new Workshop Weekender called Capital City Ceroc which will capture the essence of what Simply Ceroc use to be; learning from top Ceroc & Modern Jive teachers to help improve your Ceroc dance and enjoyment of it.

It will be a relaxed weekend packed with heaps of social dancing to practice what you have learnt from the workshops and you get to see some of Australasia’s best Modern Jivers and Cerocers in action to inspire you.  No stressful competition just some good old fashion class work with friends and other like minded people from all around New Zealand.

The new date for the Capital City Ceroc Weekend is 6th to the 8th October 2017 which frees up the old long weekend for dancers to relax and do other things.

So out with the old and in with the new! For more information and to register for this fabulous event click on the following link:

Capital City Ceroc

For up to date information click, like and join the Facebook group: Capital City Ceroc Weekend

Hope you can join us.

Capital City Ceroc FB Flyer